The festive season is well and truly upon us! There are so many easy ways you can support your local hospice this Christmas.
Here are just some (and some fun!) ways in which you can show your support:
Send your Christmas wishes via our Facebook Christmas Wishes page & donate in lieu of Christmas cards. You can join the group here
Have a fundraising festive fuddle
Join in the fun of Christmas Jumper Day and wear a festive knit in aid of Beaumond House!
Have a collection in your office/place of work (collection boxes are available) * Set up a JustGiving page * Text to donate - TEXT BHXJ18 £(your chosen amount) TO 70700 * * Bring in your donation to our reception on 32 London Road, Newark
Purchase our Christmas cards from our shops or from our reception on 32 London Road, Newark
You can also make a one off donation via our JustGiving page here
Merry Christmas from our home to yours!