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Beaumond House Community Hospice champions campaign to widen access to care

Writer: Beaumond HouseBeaumond House

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Beaumond House Community Hospice is joining forces with other hospices across the UK to support a new campaign aimed at widening access to the vital support they provide for people with life-limiting conditions and those who care for them.

The Open Up Hospice Care campaign is led by national hospice and palliative care charity Hospice UK- highlights how hospice care is available beyond hospice in-patient units, including in people’s homes.

One in four people in the UK miss out on the care they need according to earlier research by the national charity - due to a range of reasons including: late or a lack of referrals to hospice services and low levels of awareness about hospice care and where and when this support is available.

Also, studies have shown that people from economically deprived areas, BAME (black and minority ethnic) communities and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people can experience barriers to accessing end of life care services.

Hospice UK and local hospices are working to tackle this through initiatives to extend care to more people, such as expanding community services and reaching out to the different groups of people who have been missing out on vital support, including those caring for their loved ones at home.

The “End of Life Care Together” Integrated Delivery Model has now been in place for 5 months and is opening up hospice care for Mid Notts registered patients.

Providers of the new model are:Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust (Local Partnerships)

  • John Eastwood Hospice

  • Beaumond House Community Hospice

  • Nottinghamshire Hospice and

  • Primary Integrated Community Services Ltd (PICS)

  • working in partnership with Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (SFHFT)

At present End of Life Care Together for Mid-Nottinghamshire will provide:

  • A single point of referral Call for Care 01623 781899 option 2, 24 hour, 7 day a week service

  • Provide clinical triage, assessment and coordination of patient and carer needs.

  • Hospice at Home services, including a dedicated nursing service to provide care in the home through the night and during the day dependent on the Patient or Carers needs (this will be provided by Beaumond House Community Hospice and Notts Hospice)

  • Community Hospice beds, at Beaumond House Community Hospice and John Eastwood Hospice

  • A Two hour urgent response for home assessment

  • Hospital in reach in partnership Sherwood Forest Hospital NHS Trust with Emergency Department, Emergency Assessment Unit and Short Stay Unit, the Discharge Hub and ward clinicians.

  • Outreach by Specialist Palliative Nurses by John Eastwood Hospice and Primary Integrated Community Services Ltd, to support patients and carers in their home

  • Day Hospice

  • Bereavement services and access to carers support services and groups

Today Hospice UK publishes the findings of a new survey by ComRes which found that seven in ten UK adults (72 per cent) say that support from a local hospice would make them feel more confident in supporting a loved one with a terminal condition at home.

And more than eight in ten (82 per cent) UK adults surveyed say the role of hospices will become more important in the next decade. Eight in ten (83%) of those who think this, say it is due to the growing care needs of the UK’s ageing population.

The ComRes survey also showed that half of UK adults surveyed (48%) are aware that hospices receive the majority of their funding from fundraising and donations (e.g. via charity shops, communities, lotteries). Nearly a fifth of those surveyed (17%) incorrectly think that hospices receive the majority of their funding from the NHS.

Beaumond House would particularly like to open up our offer to the community of hospice at home services to people. We have had very positive feedback from patients and their families so far and think that if more people knew about this service they would want us to help them also.

There are a variety of ways in which you can support the campaign.

  • Share the video here to raise awareness

  • Donate here

  • Organise a simple 'Taste of Home' event - make a memorable meal to share with family and friends in exchange for a donation. To find out more, click here

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