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Beaumond House - Update on admissions and visiting

Writer: Beaumond HouseBeaumond House

Admissions to the hospice

Each patient will be assessed individually, testing, and visiting arrangements will be explained so this can be taken into consideration pre-admission.

Patients will be tested on admission, a lateral flow test initially followed by a PCR test at the first opportunity (PCR tests are sent Monday’s, Wednesday and Fridays).

Information for visitors. A COVID-safe environment.

The Hospice continues to review the latest guidance and practices available to ensure a COVID-safe environment for everyone.

If you are visiting a patient in the hospice please see the guidance below.

All visitors will be asked screening questions and have their temperature checked, prior to entering the hospice and when visiting your loved one we ask you to please stay in the bedroom, staff will escort you to and from the room.

An additional measure to reduce the risk of passing on the virus is testing for all visitors to the inpatient unit. Before being able to visit relatives we will ask you to have a test for COVID-19 using a Lateral Flow testing device (LFD) which produces a result within 30 minutes. We ask that lateral flow tests are carried before visiting, test kits are now widely available from most pharmacies or can be obtained on the government website. You will just need to show us your result as an email/text or a photograph of the device on arrival. If a test cannot be done at home, visitors can take a Lateral flow test at the hospice. Tests are required every 3 days if you are visiting regularly.

Visits to patients in the in-patient unit

Up to three people can now visit at the same time to one person for two hours a day. This time frame may be negotiable if there are no additional risks identified. Visiting is assessed on a day-to-day basis depending on what is happening in the hospice.

Visitors can be different people each day. We no longer restrict the number of visitors in a ‘bubble’ but ask for only one set of visitors per patient per day. Please can families help us to manage this by relaying this message to their wider family members and friends.

When patients are in the last hours of life we will, wherever possible, support additional visits for family members. In these cases, we will discuss with families any requirements necessary to ensure this is done safely. We would also like to support important conversations prior to the final days of life and this can be discussed with the Nurse in Charge on an individual basis.

If a patient has suspected or confirmed COVID-19 visiting is not allowed but would be arranged where a patient is at the end of their life.

Virtual visiting can be offered via a smart phone or iPad.

We appreciate that this is very difficult for patients and their families but these restrictions are in place to protect patients and staff from the consequence of this potentially life threatening virus.

Visitors to all patients

All visitors will be asked to wear a face mask throughout their visit for their own and others safety. Cloth face coverings must be removed and replaced with a IIR disposable medical face mask for the duration of the visit.

Additional PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) may be required in certain circumstances following an individual risk assessment.

We acknowledge that these restrictions are challenging, and we can only apologise for any distress this causes to patients, families, and friends.

We must however stress the importance of everyone adhering to these requirements to help us to keep our patients safe and also help protect the staff caring for them.

If you have any concerns, please raise these with Louise Sinclair, Head of Clinical Services.

Additionally, the following restrictions remain in place:

· Anyone experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. high temperature, new continuous cough, loss of taste or smell) or living with anyone with these symptoms must not come to the Hospice.

· Visitors are only permitted to be in the patient's room and must not congregate in any other area of the Hospice.

. Visitors must maintain social distancing with staff and other visitors whilst at the Hospice.

· All visitors must wash their hands on arrival and/or use the hand gels available on reception and at the entrance to the Hospice.

Thank you for your support with these measures

Louise Sinclair, Head of Clinical Services



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