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Newark & Sherwood

01636 610556

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Supporter Spotlight - The Rose & Crown, Balderton

Beaumond House

The Rose & Crown in Balderton has been supporting Beaumond House Hospice Care for a number of years.

Beaumond House is a charity that means a lot to so many of the regular customers, many of them knowing someone who has been supported at the end of their life.

Since 2021, a fantastic, £5261.50 has been donated from Christmas Raffle’s held in the pub. A number of local businesses kindly donate prizes each year which means that all of the money raised from tickets sold can be donated to the hospice. Each year, the amount raised has increased, and a staggering £1200 was donated in 2024.

Simon & Donna chose Beaumond House as the chosen charity for the Christmas Raffle because of the support that has been offered to many of their customers, including their business neighbour Jason Booth, of Jason’s Motor Repairs.


“Beaumond House is our chosen charity at the Rose and Crown as it is close to our hearts. Many of our customers support it having had dealings through family and friends.

We would like to thank our customers for their kindness and generosity whenever we hold a fundraising event which they always whole heartedly support - we couldn’t raise the money without them! “ – Simon & Donna Parr


Simon & Donna are planning to continue supporting the hospice over the next few months as their colleague Amanda, pictured left, is taking part in the Adidas Manchester Marathon to raise funds in aid of Beaumond House.

Amanda said

"I am aiming to raise £500 in support of Beaumond House Hospice Care as they continue their invaluable work within our community. Having previously worked with this remarkable organization for 11 years, I have witnessed first hand the welcoming and caring environment they provide. Their holistic approach to care focuses on enhancing the quality of life for patients and their families.

The wonderful team at Beaumond House offers comfort, dignity, and hope to those with life-limiting conditions requiring palliative care. They empower individuals to live life to the fullest through compassionate care, symptom management, and emotional and spiritual support. Their mission is clear: to provide local help for local people."

Amanda added

"I am thrilled to announce that I will be participating in the adidas Manchester Marathon 2025, a challenge that I never thought I would be contemplating just a year ago. At that time, even a 5k Park Run was a real effort! But through dedication and perseverance, I have transformed my fitness and am now ready to take on this incredible feat."

Amanda is already halfway to her target and plans to raise extra cash through raffles at the pub’s quiz nights as well as through her own fundraising page. You can keep up to date with Amanda’s progress by visiting JustGiving here.

We are so grateful to all local organisations and individuals who run raffles in aid of the hospice. If you are considering organising a raffle in the future, please contact us to let us know. One of the most common questions we get asked is ‘do we need a license to run our raffle?’. There is no straightforward answer to this as it depends on what type of raffle you are wanting to set up. 

The fundraising team are on hand to offer guidance regarding any licences you may need as well as the legal requirements you will need to follow. Please feel free to call us on 01636 610556 or email us here.




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